Saturday, July 8
Today, I was able to work for an hour. I finished revising the chapter I had started yesterday, then started on another chapter.
After that, I was supposed to focus on gysting. But, today happened to be the day a new episode of my fave show, Helluva Boss, is released and I was, let’s say, VERY distracted.

I love demon women so much.
You can watch the episode here! In fact, please do! And talk to me about it! It’s so good I wanna cry!!
I did end up gysting eventually. I didn’t complete everything that I had planned, but I did complete the main things, such as reorganizing my Notion and changing my bed sheets.
Sunday, July 9
This day was a rough day. I did zero writing or revising. Why? Because my dog, Winnie, ended up having a bit of an emergency. She’s been dealing with a UTI recently and she has started antibiotics, but today I noticed she hadn’t urinated in 24 hours. Plus, the day before, she had vomited four times.
My mom and I got super concerned and started trying to get money together to take her to the emergency vet. I ended up adding sketch and full body commissions to my Kofi so that there could be more options for people to commission me. We finally decided to charge any vet fees on my credit card and figure out how to pay the credit card bill later when—
she peed!
I was so, immensely, relieved. We were literally going to the car when she was able to get a steady stream. We argued whether we should still go to emergency or not, but seeing as it wasn’t an emergency anymore (and emergency bills are much higher), so we decided to wait on it.
We’re still trying to get her into a vet! While, like I said, she’s on antibiotics that we got online, we’d like her to be checked in person just to make sure everything’s making the good kind of progress. So, if you have a character you’d like me to draw, please consider checking my commission info! The money will go to vet savings so that we can make sure Winnie can pee comfortably!
Monday, July 10
My period started today. Period time is always rough, so I should have planned for that in my schedule, but I never do. I always forget.
But my symptoms were actually not too bad this month! I was tired, but I was still able to get an hour of Singlegate done, which is good! Usually, on period time, I’m quick to abandon all plans and feel like shit in bed.
Not today though! Not only did I push myself to get an hour of work done, but I also did a ton of reading. I think I read a hundred pages out of three different books each: The Fellowship of the Ring, Gone Girl, and The Summer Wind.
I’m really enjoying The Fellowship of the Ring, but the last chapter I read was really grueling and probably my least fave. “The Council of Elrond” was long and didn’t include much of the characters I loved, and had a lot of telling rather than showing, which I’m used to with this series, but this was just SO long. I’m glad it’s over. I’m hoping the chapters after it are better. The book started as a five star read, but as we go on, I’m thinking it’s more of either a four or four and a half star.
Gone Girl: I’m not enjoying it. At all. I feel like I’ve read too far to stop now (currently only have 100 pages left), so I’m gonna finish this, but…yeah. So, the book is well written. So well written that I feel bad about the one star I’m going to give it. I might even give it one star and a half, because, gosh, it’s a good book.
It’s just…not the kind of book for me. It’s very angry and there’s so much being done for, what seems to me, so little reward. I hate both of the main characters. I just can’t stand it. It started as a three star maybe, but after the midpoint, it quickly went down to one. Luckily, my sister very much enjoys the book and doesn’t have a copy of her own, so once I am done, I’m going to give it to her. It’s nice knowing that a book will have a home with someone that will appreciate it <3
For The Summer Wind: This is a sequel to a contemporary series called “The Summer Girls”. It’s such a nice, lighthearted, summer read. It’s just perfect for this time of year. Also, it belonged to my grandmother before she died, so reading the series makes me feel closer to her.
Tuesday, July 11
Second day of the period is the roughest day of the period for me (and I think most people?), so I didn’t push myself too hard. I did work on Singlegate for an hour, as usual. I want to at least get an hour done every day to keep myself on schedule. At this point, I have one extra hour to act as a buffer for absolute emergency days (like if Winnie needs to go in), so I want to be sure to keep that.
Speaking of Winnie, I called around for a vet for her, but I tried four different places and none of them are taking new clients currently, which I didn’t even know that’s a thing? We’re trying to wait for someplace to be available, but we’re thinking of taking her to the emergency anyway just for her to be seen. It feels crappy to do that when it’s not an emergency though? I don’t know. She seems good right now, though, so hopefully that good luck keeps going.
Even though I was ill today, I was also in the mood to work on something, so I decided to work on something that, currently, doesn’t matter. I pulled out my notebook so I could get comfy in bed and worked on some outlining for my November Nano project.
That project is…a doozy, so getting some planning out of the way now is actually a good thing. It’s odd, because I am much more of a pantser than a planner, but I’ve tried to pants this novel, like, three different times and it’s just not coming together properly. There’s three different POVs that I’m trying to work with and balance, during three different timelines, and it’s just a big, confusing, mess. So I went ahead and wrote down an outline for the second POV, which is what I’ll be focusing on this November. I plan for it to be about 25000ish words, but we’ll see what happens.
Wednesday, July 12
I worked for one whole hour and finished the chapter. Up until this point I was rewriting scenes, but now I had to add a scene that didn’t previously exist. Which is…harder, of course. I have to find away to make up something new that still fits in with the flow of what I’ve already written.
I was sick with a period headache that day, though, so I decided to put it off for another day! Instead, I did a ton of reading. It was super rainy all day, which was perfect. I finished The Summer Wind, which I liked a lot! I gave it 3.5 stars on Storygraph~
After that, I worked on my blog, editing this post! I edited up until this date (’cause this day was still going) and then rested.
Thursday, July 13
Another day where I was sick and tired! I spent most of the morning asleep. Then I did some art, such as (finally) participating in Art Fight and getting a free D&D character done! Didn’t focus on writing until later in the day. I still got an hour done, but not any actual writing. I have to add a completely new chapter in, rather than reworking an old one, so I had to do some planning!

With planning, I find that journaling helps a lot. Being able to ruminate and ramble to myself about the scenes I’m working on help get the idea across much better than writing an outline. I journaled for the whole hour to make sure all the ideas I had were in the right place (and I still ended up getting it wrong, but more on that next week).
Friday, July 14
Worked for two hours. Wrote a new chapter. Found I had to write another new chapter. Wrote that one. Participated in art fight again and created some Ghost Demon Pink content.
This day, I worked for TWO hours (nice!). I wrote the new chapter and found that I had to add another new chapter for it to make sense, so I wrote that one too! I wasn’t very happy with either of them though, but I know better than anyone that you gotta give your eyes a break before you start editing, so I put it aside for the day.
The rest of the day was art focused. I participated in Art Fight a TON more. I think I may be getting addicted. It’s fun drawing other people’s characters!

I also worked on my ~vibes~ project, Ghost Demon Pink. Still no semblance of a plot AT ALL. But I did draw a pinup of Leslie. You’re welcome.

And that’s it! That sums up how week 2 of Camp Nanowrimo went for me! Losing steam, but still pushing ahead. Let’s see if I can keep going for week 3!