The Ghost on the Piano
As Willi passes the entertainment room in search of proof that she is, in fact, the current resident of this place, she pauses. Piano playing and singing can be heard. The singing is echoing and though it doesn’t match with the piano notes very well, it does sound as if it belongs to a mermaid.
It seems there are a lot of things in her house today.
Willi pokes her head into the entertainment room, finding more strange creatures. She wonders how many there are. In the corner of the room, sleeping on the card table, is what looks like a snake, but it’s large, maybe the size of a horse, or a cow, or an elephant. It peeks its eyes open, which Willi now sees it has three of, before closing them and going back to sleep.
Near the piano and jumping up and down is what looks like a dog, but it’s red with black wings, like the Devil, and instead of barking, it hisses like a cat.
And, of course, there is the person that is actually playing the piano—because, yes, this is actually a person. However, she is see through, like a window, or a ghost. Willi has many questions for her, but she doesn’t want to be rude and interrupt the song, so she waits patiently in the doorway, listening to the woman’s enchanting voice.
Eventually, the last note of the song is played and the woman stops singing. She pats the Devil dog on the head before turning to smile at Willi.
“Did you like it?” the woman asks.
Willi nods.
“It’s a very nice piano. Well taken care of. But I’m afraid I’m rusty. It’s been a while since I’ve played.”
“Are you dead?”
The woman’s eyes widen at the question, before bursting into a small laugh.
“Well, I suppose I am,” she says. “Though I never felt very dead.”
“How did you die?” Willi asks. “Did you die here?”
The ghost woman shakes her head. “I just wandered here,” she says. “Ghosts tend to wander, you know. But I think I’ll stay for a bit. It is a very nice piano.”
Willi nods and looks at the piano. She supposes it’s nice. Mother and Father sound good on it. But every time Willi tries to play, it makes horrid clonking instead of beautiful music.
“Do you know how to prove someone lives here?” Willi asks.
The ghost woman tilts her head. “Well, if things are the same as when I died, one could prove your residency with a deed of the house.”
“Where can I find that?”
“I don’t know. I don’t live here.”
Willi nods as she steps away. “Very well. Thank you for your help.”
She turns and leaves, heading for the stairs.
Thank you for reading!