Searching for the Outside Willi steps away from the window, folding her arms and tilting her head. She sees people do this all the time when they’re thinking, and she always thought it was silly, because wouldn’t tilting your head cause the thoughts to fall out? But she figured she’d give it a try this…
Stolen House – Chapter 1
Three and a Half Baby Sitters and Not One is Available There are 365 days in a year, a large range where it is plenty likely for two people to not be busy on the very same day. Willi’s parents have three babysitters on hand at all times (four, if you count Aunt Mira, which…
How to Use the Moon Cycle to Create a Writing Schedule
I’ve forever been a fan of the moon, but recently, I’ve been a bit moon-obsessed. I mean, the moon cycle was one of the first methods people used to tell time. And after getting into witchcraft, I learned that different moon phases have different associations, which I now try to incorporate in my life as…
Writing with Tarot – The High Priestess
Next in our tarot journey is a visit with The High Priestess. She is a person of higher power and has much knowledge to pass down to those who ask. Appearance The High Priestess most often shows a woman sitting on a throne between two pillars, one dark and one light. These pillars are usually…
By Women of Color – Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
My sister once asked me “How come there are no fantasy novels written by black people?” Of course, I’m sure…
6 Ways to Help You Focus on Your Writing
I’m sure many of you reading this know how easy it is to lose focus. Sometimes, while working on a project, a random thought will appear, such as, “Wait, when did Mozart die?” Suddenly, you’re googling it, reading Wikipedia, reading about Mozart’s entire family, how did you get on Twitter? I get it. I’ve done…
Writing with Tarot – The Magician
Our next step in our tarot journey is the Magician, a card full of magick and manifestation—wonderful for writers to use with their projects! Appearance This card features a person standing before a table that holds the four tarot suits—wands, cups, swords, and pentacles. You can also look at these as the four elements: the…
Dwarf Fortress as a Writing Tool
You shouldn’t wait for inspiration. Sometimes, you have to force it to come. And sometimes, you have to go out and search for it. I made one post about my top five generators in this post, but there is one major generator that didn’t make the list. Mostly because it’s not just a generator, but…
By Women of Color – Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
I started reading Everything, Everything by Jamaican-American Nicola Yoon on a whim one night at midnight. I had only meant…
Writing with Tarot – The Fool
Every journey has a beginning and our tarot journey starts with the Fool. Usually, the Fool card is depicted as just that — someone starting their journey! Appearance The Fool, also known as the Jester, can show someone in a fool’s costume, but that’s not always the case. Usually, when discussing the Fool card, it’s…